The Town of Winnsboro is seeking statements of qualification for consulting engineering services. The town provides treated drinking water to Winnsboro, Town of Blythewood and as a wholesale provider. The owns and operates a 4 million gallon Per Day (mgd) surface water treatment plant. The current water treatment plant is a Pulsator Treatment with four (4) filters and two (2) clear wells.
The Town of Winnsboro has received a $10 Million South Carolina Infrastructure Investment Program (SCIIP) grant funding for upgrading and expansion of the WTP from its current 4 mgd capacity to 6 mgd capacity.
The Town plans to select a firm to provide preliminary design, final design, permitting, bidding,
and construction administration services for the proposed project.
Statements of qualification should address:
1. Vitae for the Engineer of Record/Project Manager and the supporting team including the
office location of each
2. Proposed method of project delivery (Design/Bid/Build, CMAR, etc.)
3. Ability to fully deliver each project and meet the required funding schedule
4. Internal quality control processes
5. An understanding of the requirements set forth in the SCIIP Grant Management
Procedures manual
6. Specific examples of previous work similar to the proposed projects, including client
information, project cost, total engineering fees billed
Evaluation Criteria:
1. Experience of Engineer of Record/Project Manager – 25%
2. Experience of the Project Team – 20%
3. RIA grant project experience – 20%
4. Project Delivery Approach – 15%
5. Proposed Schedule – 10%
6. Location of Engineer of Record/Project Manager – 10%
Interested firms should submit three bound copies along with one unbound and one electronic
copy of the Statement of Qualifications to:
Chris Clauson, Assistant Town Manager
Town of Winnsboro
P.O. Box 209
Winnsboro, SC 29180
RE: SCIIP Grant Funding Projects
Engineer Statement of Qualifications
All materials must be received at Winnsboro Town Hall offices by 5:00 pm on July 28, 2023.
All requests for additional information shall be submitted prior to 5:00 pm on June 30, 2023, to
Chris Clauson by email at Requests will be answered on July 10, 2023
The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request for qualifications or to negotiate with all qualified bidders, or to cancel, in part or in its entirety, this request for qualifications if it is in the Town’s best interest to do so.
This solicitation does not commit the Town to award a contract or to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation of your statement of qualifications or to procure or contract for any goods or services. The Town does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or in the provision of goods and services.