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Zoning Department

For a building permit application, please contact Fairfield County Community Development Department at (803) 712-6596. Please note a certificate of zoning compliance must be obtained from the Town of Winnsboro’s Zoning Office before a building permit will be issued by Fairfield County. Please call Chris Clauson at (803) 635-6364 or e-mail for a compliance form.


Mr. Chris Clauson, Town Manager / Zoning Administrator
Physical Address: 207 N. Congress St., Winnsboro, S.C. 29180
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 209, Winnsboro, S.C. 29180
(803) 635-6364 office (803) 635-3697 fax
8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday

The Office of Zoning Administration ensures compliance to the Town of Winnsboro’s Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Administrator reviews zoning request and schedules public hearings, permits signs, reviews plans to ensure compliance to zoning land use regulations, and enforces all provisions in the Zoning Ordinance.

Click here to download the zoning & ordinance map
Click here to download the zoning ordinance
Click here to download the Jackson/Mill Creek Reservoir Restrictions

Click here to download the Special Exception Form
Click here to download the Variance Application Form


Mr. Hank Harrison
Ms. Sonya Kennedy
Mrs. Susie Clinard
Mrs. Rachel Boyd Bell
Mrs. Lauren Stines


Mr. Charles Connell
Ms. Edwinda Goodman
Mr. Jeff Mattox
Mr. Christopher Derrick

The Town of Winnsboro has several volunteer boards, commissions, and committees who support the Town elected officials and staff with programs and activities conducted in and around the Winnsboro community. If you are interested in serving with one of these groups, please complete the Boards and Committees Application (PDF) and submit it to the Winnsboro Town Hall by mail, in person, or by email.