Ms. Audrey Evans, business license coordinator, provides assistance to customers with business licenses and building permits.
Location to apply for a license:
Town of Winnsboro
Finance Building
610 Moultrie St., Winnsboro, SC
Telephone Number: (803) 635-4041 ext. 3 or (803) 815-0348
Every person engaged or intending to engage in any calling, business, occupation or profession within the limits of the Town of Winnsboro is required to obtain a business license.
Licenses are valid from July to June of each y ear for businesses inside the town limits of Winnsboro. Temporary or one-time licenses are issued to businesses outside the city limits of Winnsboro and are valid only for the event or job for which they are issued. Applications may be obtained at the Town of Winnsboro Finance Department or downloaded on this site.
For additional information, please contact Audrey Evans, Business License Coordinator at (803) 815-0348, ext. 3.
Business License Rates (170 KB)
Business License Ordinance (4656 KB)
Business License Application (340 KB)