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Town of Winnsboro News

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Request for Proposals: Financial Audit Services
Posted by:
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Town of Winnsboro is requesting sealed proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to audit its financial statements for the for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023, with options for annual renewals in 2024, 2025, and 2026. These audits are to be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133. Sealed proposals are due by 3:00 PM, February 16, 2023. Sealed proposals should be hand carried or delivered by traceable means to the Town Clerk at 207 N Congress St, Winnsboro, SC 29180. All proposals should be clearly marked “RFP Financial Audit Services.” Proposals must address all the issues reflected in the attached requirements document/questionnaire and the proposal price summary attachment to be considered responsive.

The proposal evaluation process will be completed within forty-five (45) days of receipt of proposals, and the prospective provider of this service will be identified. The pricing data reflected in your proposal must be good through April 7, 2023.

All bidders may submit questions or requests for clarification in writing by no later than February 2, 2023. Any inquiries concerning the request for proposal should be addressed to Jason Taylor, Town Manager. After that date, no more questions or requests will be accepted.

The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request for proposals or to negotiate with all qualified bidders, or to cancel, in part or in its entirety, this request for proposals if it is in the Town’s best interest to do so.

This solicitation does not commit the Town to award a contract or to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation of your proposal or to procure or contract for any goods or services.

Your proposal must be signed by an official of your company authorized to commit to and enter into a formal contract for goods and services.

The Town does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or in the provision of goods and services.

In response to the questions submitted the questions and last five years of audited financial statements have been uploaded below.

  1. What was the fee for the June 30, 2022, and 2021 audits for the Town? $29,500 (2022) and $24,000 (2021)
  2. Does the Town anticipate having a single audit in the 2023 fiscal year? Yes
  3. Has there been turnover in compliance or financial staff? No
  4. How many audit journal entries were there for the 6.30.2022 audit? Not complete
  5. Has the Town implemented GASB 87? The previous audits have been conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in the Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States.
  6. What significant changes in federal funds does the Town expect for FY23? The Town has applied for the South Carolina Infrastructure Improvement Program (SCIIP) Grant to upgrade the Water Treatment Facility to 6 MGD. $10 million dollar grant with roughly $3 Million local match.
  7. Was there a Management Recommendations Letter from your auditor? Located in attached audited financial statements
  8. Has the former auditor been performing the audit remotely? Hybrid