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Town of Winnsboro News

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Town of Winnsboro Awarded Two-Grants
Posted by:
Monday, March 11, 2013

Winnsboro, S.C.– The Town of Winnsboro has been awarded an Assistant to Firefighters Grant from FEMA in the amount of $240,100.00 and a $272,492.00 SC Rural Infrastructure Authority Grant.


The FEMA grant will allow Winnsboro Public Safety to replace fire fighting equipment that is over 14 years old and to purchase 30 new sets of Turn-Out gear and 18 new sets of Self-Contained Breathing apparatus. The grant will also pay for volunteers and staff to receive training classes up to Fire Fighter level II. New equipment and training will strengthen the capabilities of Winnsboro Public Safety Officers to serve and protect this community. 


The FEMA Assistant to Firefighters grant program is funded by the Federal Government and allows for the purchase of equipment, training and the building or rehabbing of old facilities. The AFG Federal grant funds requires a 5% match, and town council voted to provide the match.


The S. C. RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE Grant will allow the Town to replace and rehab a 10″ and 12″ sewer line that serves as a main trunk line for the Town’s collection system; this line runs along the side of Jackson Creek.  These lines were constructed in the 1950’s and are in need of replacing.  This funding will allow the town to continue to improve the infrastructure of Winnsboro and provide for a better quality of life to our citizens.


The Rural Infrastructure Authority is a newly formed department within the Department of Commerce and eligible activities include upgrades, improvement or extension of water or sewer infrastructure. The grant does require an administrative match in the amount of $15,700.00, that town council approved on January 22, 2013.


If you have any questions regarding these grants please contact Connie Shackelford (803) 815-2947.









