Winnsboro SC – Winnsboro’s Merchant Association and The Town of Winnsboro is Hosting a DOWN TOWN PUMPKIN FEST SATURDAY October 25, 2014 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. There will be a Puppet Show at 6:30 pm in Gazebo Park. We are having a Jack-O-Lantern Contest, Pumpkin Pie Contest (bring your pies to Hoots), There will be face painting, hula-hoops, fire eating, stilt walking and Trick-or-treating for kids. We will have prizes for winners of the pie contest and Jack-O-Lantern. Also there will be a Costume Contest for the best Halloween Costume. LOTS OF FUN, CANDY and Prizes FOR EVERYONE…
If anyone wants to set up a table so that the kids can Trick-or-Treat come downtown on Saturday October 25 @ 4:30 pm and Set up your table. If you have any questions please contact Connie Shackelford @ 803 815 2947.