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Town Administration

Contact the administrators

Chris Clauson
Town Manager

< Email

(803)635-6364 (O)
(803)402-7251 (C)

P.O. Box 209
207 North Congress Street
Winnsboro, SC 29180

Patti davis

Patti Davis
Town Clerk/Assistant to Town Manager


(803)815-2948 (O)
(803)801-0659 (C)

P.O. Box 209
207 North Congress Street
Winnsboro, SC 29180

scott elliott town attorney

Scott Elliott
Town Attorney

(803) 771-0555

1508 Lady St.
Columbia, SC 29201

Provides legal counsel to Town Council and Department Directors.

Cyndi Gawronski
Grants Administrator

Email >
(803) 815-2947 or  (803) 635-3333 x 2

PO Box 209
Winnsboro SC 29180

Jennifer Edwards
Personnel Director

Email >
(803) 635-4943 or  (803) 635-3333 x 3

PO Box 209
Winnsboro SC 29180