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How to Address Town Council

Guidelines for addressing town council

FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Form FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Form (41 KB)

Winnsboro Town Council Mission Statement Winnsboro Town Council Mission Statement (453 KB)

Public Comments and Public Hearings:
At least ten (10) minutes before the meeting, please see the municipal clerk and sign the sign-in sheet.

Must state name, address, and reason for appearing when speaking to council.

Each citizen will be allowed three (3) minutes to speak.

Must notify the town manager prior to 12:00 noon of the Friday preceding the council meeting in order to be placed on the agenda.

Must state name, address, and reason for appearing when speaking to council.

When introduced, please:

Approach the podium.
Speak loudly and clearly so that all of council can hear you.
Only address the council as a whole.
Do not single out any member of Council.
Do not exceed the time limit.

The above guidelines are from Town of Winnsboro Ordinance Number 071806, adopted July 18, 2006.