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Frequently Asked Questions
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Search below for answers to some of the Town of Winnsboro’s most frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Question |
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How can I save money on the utility billing?
It is recommended during winter months that your thermostat is set on 68 degrees and during winter months that your thermostat is set on 68 degrees and during the summer months on 78 degrees.
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How do I apply for new services and what are the requirements?
Customers are required to apply in person at our office. We require a deposit, proof of identity (current picture ID) and your social security number. If renting, we will need to see a copy of your lease agreement.
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How long does it take for new service?
Normally, we can connect service the same day if you apply before 12 noon and the lines are already on the property. If you apply after 12 noon, then it may be the next business day before we connect service.
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What are my payment options?
Cash, Checks, Money Orders and Credit Cards. All credit card payments must be made in the office. No payment by phone.
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What is third party notification?
Third party notification advises a party other than yourself that your utilities are past due and scheduled disconnection (see forms).
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When are my payments posted?
Payments are posted daily. Drop box payments after 8:00 AM will be posted the next business day.
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When do you cutoff for non payment?
Three days after the posted date on the cut-off notice.
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When is the bill due?
The due date will be reflected on your utility bill. If you have any questions or have lost your bill, please contact utility billing (803) 635-4041.
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Where is your office located and what are your office hours?
610 Moultrie St., Winnsboro. Hours are Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Telephone # (803) 635-4041, visit cable TV channel 3 for updates and closings.
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Who do I call for an after hour utility emergency?
Winnsboro Public Safety Department. (803) 635-4041
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Who do I call regarding trash pickup?
Winnsboro Street and Sanitation (803) 635-6521, Mr. William Castles.
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